Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daddy is Home!

The kids were so excited to see their Daddy after he had been gone for a few days.

Lego Town

Grandpa D made Mason this cool Lego table for his birthday. Thanks guys!! He has so much fun creating and building (Mommy does too!).

Silly Boy

Mason was trying to share a toy hat with Sis Sis. By the time I got the camera she wasn't too pleased with his generosity anymore.

Bath Time

Mason really enjoys playing with the submarine that cousin Katie gave him for his birthday. Thanks Katie!

Great Grandma D

Brenna tried so hard to stay awake for Mason's party, but ended up falling asleep on her great grandma.

Brenna & Aunt Shannon

Aunt Shannon and Shantelle drove over from Eastern Wa for Mason's b-day party. This was the first time they had seen Brenna. Thank you guys for coming out and for all the kids' goodies!

2 Years Old!

We had Mason;s 2nd birthday party last weekend at Grannie and Grandpa D's house. He received a ton of presents and had a bunch of fun. Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate!

The Cake

Thank you Grannie for doing the lettering for me!

Sleepy Kids

After the long car ride to Grannie and Grandpa D's house the kids fell asleep on top of each other on my lap.


Since Brenna wasn't feeling well on Mason's birthday, we stayed home and played cars all day. This was probably the third set of car tracks we set up that day. Happy birthday baby!

2 Months

Brenna went in on the 11th for her 2 month check up. She weighed in at 11lbs 10oz and was 23 inches in length. She cried almost the whole appointment, but I think I would cry too if I were getting 3 shots and an oral vaccine. Poor baby spent the rest of the day sleeping.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wildlife Fun

We really enjoyed feeding bread to all kinds of different animals the other day! This is a great way for Mason to learn his animals, and to work on throwing bread out the window. It's fun having two or three Elk inserting their heads in your car window at one time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We had beautiful weather today, so we spent most of our time outside. Here are some pics of Mason enjoying himself. We got him the the 4 wheeler as an early birthday present.

Mason & "Sis Sis"

Finger Painting

Mason got fingerpaints from Santa and this was the first time he has used them. He loved making a mess and then wiping it up with a paper towel.